The Agricultural Bill Addresses the Problems of the Common Farmer: Agriculture Minister Adhikari

Kathmandu – Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Ram Nath Adhikari, informed that the recently discussed Agricultural Bill addresses the issues faced by farmers and the agricultural sector.

Speaking at a program organized to mark the 8th Foundation Day of the Farmers’ Commission, Minister Adhikari explained that the Ministry is working on laws to transition subsistence agriculture into a more commercial model.

“While a large number of families still depend on agriculture, we import a significant amount of agricultural products. Therefore, it is essential to make agriculture more commercial,” he said.

He emphasized that there must be a collective effort from all three levels of government to promote the use of domestically produced goods over imported ones. “Efforts are being made from all sides to increase agricultural production, but we must ensure that the vegetables we consume do not lead to health problems,” Minister Adhikari said. “At the same time, we must all work together to reduce pesticide use.”

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