Barbara Foundation Opens Applications for Investigative Journalism Fellowship

Kathmandu. The Barbara Foundation has announced the ‘Investigative Journalism Fellowship-2082’ aimed at supporting journalists interested in conducting in-depth research and investigative journalism on critical issues such as corruption, good governance, environmental change, health, education, and social justice.

In light of the ongoing challenges posed by corruption in the governance system and the public’s demand for good governance, the foundation has revealed that four fellowships will be awarded with the goal of raising an effective voice through journalism. Journalists wishing to apply for the fellowship must submit proposals by mid-Chait 2081.

Selected journalists will be notified based on the accepted proposals. It has been arranged that the research and investigative materials produced under the fellowship will be published by mid-Chait 2082. The fellowship is introduced with the purpose of nurturing the growth of investigative journalism. The foundation’s office will serve as the secretariat for communication.

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