Kathmandu Metropolitan City to Conduct Free Skill-Based Training: Applications Open Until 5th Falgun

Kathmandu – The Social Development Department, under Kathmandu’s Prosperity, Employment, and Income Generation Scheme for the fiscal year 2080/81, has announced the launch of free skill-based training.

This initiative will offer training in woodwork, sculpture, and ceramics (handicrafts). Interested individuals can submit their applications until the 5th of Falgun.

The training will last for three months, with 20 participants per group, totaling 60 selected individuals. Applicants must be Nepali citizens with at least an 8th-grade education, and their age must fall between 18 and 45 years. Application forms are available at the Municipal Executive Office, Single Service Centre, Kamaladi, and an online application link is also provided.

The selection process will prioritize candidates based on the criteria set by Kathmandu Metropolitan City. For further details, interested individuals can contact the provided phone numbers.

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